Just In Thought Tech, life, and random musings

On Writing

Over the course of starting this blog, I initially approached this with the notion that I could slowly chip away at articles until I was happy with them. The inner perfectionist in me was loathe to publish anything that didn’t go through extreme scrutiny.

And I think that overall, that’s a valid way to go about it. But at least as it currently stands, I have neither the discipline, nor the writing style, to write that regularly. So, if I don’t try and publish as soon as I can, I’ll never get around to them until these things in my head cease to be my thoughts, and instead become my thinking. And there’s a reason why I titled this blog “Just In Thought” (apart from the pun, that is).

So, I’ll try and change my approach to writing, at least for now. I’ll clear off the backlog of drafts I’ve written but never gotten around to finishing. And hopefully, I can start writing more again.

To make this even more ironic, I wrote the draft of this post back in January 27, 2022, but never got around to publishing it back then. Man, I REALLY gotta get a move on, haha.